Great Lakes Pipeline Canada - Pricing & Tolls

Great Lakes Pipeline Canada Ltd. (GLC)

Final Transportation Rates Effective November 1, 2017



Tariff Rate

Firm Transportation Service
Rate Schedule FT
Maximum Monthly Rate ($/GJ/Month)
Minimum Monthly Rate ($/GJ/Month)
Maximum Daily Equivalent ($/GJ)
Minimum Daily Equivalent ($/GJ)
 Reservation Fee


$0.0177 $0.0149 $0.0006
Limited Firm
Transportation Service
Rate Schedule LFT

The rates shown above for Service under Rate Schedule FT shall also be applicable to Service under Rate Schedule LFT except that the maximum Reservation Fee shall be adjusted to reflect the appropriate number of Gas Days that Service shall be available utilitzing the following formula, rounded to 3 decimal places:
LFT = FT x ((TD - UD)/TD) where:

LFT = LFT Reservation Fee
FT   = Applicable FT Reservation Fee
TD  = Number of Days during Agreement Term
UD  = Number of Unavailable Days

Expedited Firm
Transportation Service
Rate Schedule EFT

The rates shown above for Service under Rate Schedule FT shall also be applicable to Service under Rate Schedule EFT except that the maximum Reservation Fee shall be adjusted to reflect the applicable expedited period of gas flow (EPF) utilitzing the following formula, rounded to 3 decimal places:  EFT = FT x (24/EPF) where:

EFT = EFT Reservation Fee
FT   = Applicable FT Reservation Fee
24   = Number of Hours in a Gas Day

Transportation Service
Rate Schedule IT
Maximum Minimum
Rate per GJ $0.0149 $0.0006
Park and Loan Services
Rate Schedule PAL (Rates Per GJ)
Maximum Minimum
Daily Fee $0.0149 $0.0006

1. Seasonal recourse rates apply to short-term firm ("STF") service (i.e., firm service that has a term of less than one year and that does not include multiple-year seasonal service) under Rate Schedule FT and rate schedules that are based upon Rate Schedule FT rates, in addition to interruptible transportation service under Rate Schedule IT, and Park and Loan Services under Rate Schedule PAL.  On or before February 15 of each year, Transporter shall identify the number of peak months (from zero to five) for the upcoming 12-month period beginning April 1, identify the months to which peak rates apply, and set the peak rate multiplier from one up to a maximum of 1.4.  Peak rates will be set by multiplying the applicalbe firm reservation charge (or reservation component) by the peak multiplier.  The remaining off-peak months will have a multiplier equal to 1-(P/O) x (M-1) where:

P=Peak Months
O=Off-Peak Months (Equal to 12-P)
M-Multiplier for Peak Months

Transporter's seasonal recourse rate elections and resulting peak and off-peak rates shall be posted under the Informational Postings section of Transporter's Internet website.

2. Rates are stated in Canadian dollars.


Inquiries regarding the Great Lakes Pipeline Canada may be directed to your Customer Account Manager.