Canadian Mainline System

Calgary Office

Toronto Office

450 - 1 St. SW
Calgary, AB, Canada, T2P 5H1

Telephone: 1.403.920.2000
Toll-free: 1.800.661.3805
Fax: 1.403.920.2200

24th Floor, South Tower
200 Bay Street
Toronto,  ON, Canada, M5J 2J1

Telephone: 1.416.869.2137
Fax: 1.416.869.2056

    Commercial East Organizational Chart

Who to Contact

We can be reached by contacting any of the people listed below.

Last Name First Name Title Team Phone  
Cheung Amelia Marketing Representative Marketing 1.416.869.2115
Jamieson Lisa Marketing Representative Marketing 1.416.869.2171
Kimmett Taylor Supervisor Contracts 1.403.920.5579
Mazier Mike Marketing Representative Marketing 1.403.920.2651
Smetheram Glenn Marketing Representative Marketing 1.403.920.7104
Stowkowy Ashley Marketing Representative Marketing 1.403.920.5828

Last Name First Name Title Team Phone  
Rates & Services East Tolls
Young Gerri Analyst Contracting 1.403.920.5520
General Inquiries The Pipe Line Noms & Allocations 1.403.920.PIPE (7473)
Mainline Volume Planners Park and Loans (PALS) 1.403.920.5500
McEwen Mike Analyst Billing 1.587.933.0783

Last Name First Name Title Team Phone  
Baranski Stefan Director Marketing 1.416.869.2136
Engel Candice Manager Marketing 1.403.920.5623
Gent Graham Manager Nominations & Allocations 1.403.920.6846
Harris Alex Director Collaboration 1.403.920.6201
Kuntz Grant Manager Rates & Services East 1.403.920.7169
Medcalfe Chelsea Manager Contracts, Billing and Credit 1.403.920.6717
Ritsch Mike Director Rates and Services 1.403.920.6826
Stringer Tim Manager Marketing 1.416.869.2177
Tran Nguyen Director Commercial Services 1.587.933.8267
Waldorf Holly Manager Commercial - East Assets 1.403.920.8086